Why work with us?

TAGORE INTERNATIONAL SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL adopts a wholesome approach to make our students holistic human beings who are emotionally stable, intellectually vibrant, spiritually enlightened and socially committed. We aim at making them capable of taking the challenges of life head-on and ‘strive for success’ with a firm belief of achieving it without ‘losing their soul.’

It is our belief that to achieve this great vision we need teachers who aspire to do great. We believe that teachers are ‘sculptors of human minds’. We appreciate the role of a teacher in the growth of young students into individuals of substance.

At TIS, we provide the best of infrastructure and technology at complete disposal of the faculty so that they are able to create a learner-conducive environment in the classroom and thus enhance the teaching-learning quality. This makes our school one of the most sought-after schools in teaching fraternity.

We welcome teachers who are highly qualified, experienced and motivated and are passionately keen to be a part of this vision of ours.


*Science Technology Engineering, Arts & Math – STEM is a Top Priority for the Educators Today. Recently, 21st Century Skills, Design Thinking, Digital Technologies, Maker Spaces, Tinkering Labs, and Experiential Learning have also acquired significant attention.

Management of Tagore International School took  initiative to provide international education in their school for making students future ready with STEM LAB. At STEM LAB students will explore their talent in the field of CODING & AI, ROBOTICS, IT,  DRONE TECHNOLOGY, 3D PRINTING, AEROMODELLING, ROCKET SCIENCE AND AR/VR TECHNOLOGY. This is the 1st  ever advanced STEM LAB in Patiala Region as per the new age courses for industry.

:In an ever-changing, increasingly complex world, it’s more important than ever that our nation’s youth are prepared to bring knowledge and skills to solve problems, make sense of information, and know how to gather and evaluate evidence to make decisions. These are the kinds of skills that students develop in science, technology, engineering, and math, including computer science—disciplines collectively known as STEM/CS. If we want a nation where our future leaders, neighbors, and workers can understand and solve some of the complex challenges of today and tomorrow, and to meet the demands of the dynamic and evolving workforce, building students’ skills, content knowledge, and literacy in STEM fields is essential. We must also make sure that, no matter where children live, they have access to quality learning environments. A child’s zip code should not determine their STEM literacy and educational options.


Establishment of STEM LABs’ is a step towards bringing back the loss of interest which we have observed in recent times, for the subjects like Math, Science, Engineering and Technology at school education level, especially at Primary, Secondary and Higher Secondary level and this is being done, not by taking students to a lab, rather bringing a well-equipped lab right at the stakeholder’s door.

The major objective is to ensure maximum enrolment of students in the schools, reach the unreachable and retain them in joyful learning periphery. It will also help students to develop important qualities such as curiosity, team building, leadership, innovative learning etc.


The project’s principal objective is to foster STEM skills in schools, particularly for girls. While introducing children to STEM, the project will work towards creating an enabling school environment and an ecosystem that supports student learning. The key objectives of the program are –

To equip schools with the necessary infrastructure, training, and resources for STEM education

To encourage scientific thought and learning amongst children To create an enabling environment for the education of girls in schools and communities.

Benefits of STEM Education

More schools incorporate STEM learning into their curriculum and make it an essential part of what they teach. STEM education is rising in popularity. The seven benefits of STEM education for students:-

Fosters imagination and ingenuity:

Benefits of STEM education includes imagination and creativity and contribution to new ideas and inventions. The modern advances in artificial intelligence or digital learning will not be feasible without imagination and innovation. These inventions were developed by individuals who discovered that the human mind could do it if they can imagine it. They had, no doubt, an excellent K-12 STEM education teacher.

Builds resilience/Benefit of STEM Education

The benefits of stem education for students are that they learn in a healthy atmosphere during STEM education activities that encourage them to fall and try again. The benefits of early stem education emphasize the importance of failure as a learning exercise that will encourage students to tolerate errors as part of the learning process. This encourages students to create trust and endurance, enabling them to keep working when the going gets tough, Failure is, after all, part of a process that ultimately leads to success.

Encourages to experiment:

Many of the technical developments in the last couple of decades would not be feasible without a little risk-taking and innovation. Many of these inventions were developed by people who were told that their ideas would not work, and their answer was, “Let’s try it and see.” With STEM learning during the K-12 years, this form of mentality can be promoted. How will this be achieved? By encouraging students during learning experiences to experiment and take risks. Hence encouraging to experiment is one of the pros of STEM education.

Encourages teamwork Benefits of STEM Education

Students of all skill levels can be taught STEM education. In teams, students of various skill levels will work together to find solutions to problems, document data, write papers, give presentations, etc. Students who understand how to interact with others and succeed in a team-oriented atmosphere are the end product of the benefits of stem education early childhood.

Encourages the application of knowledge:

Economic benefits of STEM education are that students are taught skills in STEM education that they can use in the real world. It inspires students to learn, as they recognize that the skills they develop will be applied instantly and in ways that positively affect them and their loved ones. When they join the workforce, the opportunity to use their experience to new and novel assignments will bode well.

Encourages the use of technology:

STEM learning educates children about the potential of creativity and technology. So, as students experience emerging technology, they will be prepared to accept them instead of being reluctant or afraid. This will give them the upper hand in the global landscape, as the world is becoming increasingly tech centered.

Teaches troubleshooting Advantages of stem education
By using their critical thinking skills, STEM education teaches students how to solve issues, Benefits of being a stem student is to learn how to analyze challenges and then develop a strategy to address them by engaging in the benefits of STEM education learning experiences.

Promotes adaptation:
Students have to adapt what they have learned to several situations to excel in life. STEM education helps them to adjust the principles they learn to multiple versions of an issue or problem.