Parents & Students must carefully read out all the rules on general discipline.

  • Its strictly forbidden to bring mobile phone in the school if found, it will be confiscated and fine of Rupees 500/-will be imposed.
  • Every pupil should endeavor to keep up the high tone of the school.
  • The management reserves to itself the right to dismiss students who continually fail to make satisfactory progress in their studies or whose conduct is, in any way detrimental to the orderly life of the school.
  • Absence from the school must be supported by a leave note in school diary from the parent or guardian of the student. It should be written on a proper sheet of paper with address and telephone number. The signature given:
  • For leave on non-medical reason, leave application should be submitted in advance.
    If leave is taken on medical ground for more than two days, a medical certificate from a qualified doctor should be enclosed along with the leave application.
  • If a student is absent without permission for more than 10 days, his/her name will be stuck off the rolls. He/she will have to seek re-admission.
  • Attendance on national holidays is compulsory.
  • Absentees at an examination will be considered as having failed in less it is established that their absence was due to illness.
  • Pupils are not allowed to leave the school premises without permission from the principal.
  • No student is permitted to engage any of the school teacher as private tutors without the written sanction of the principal.
  • Running, playing or shouting in the academic, block is not allowed .
  • When pupils move along the corridor, as when changing classes. They must walk in silence and in a single line They should always keep to the left except when several classes are going down the stairs together, the teachers should be the last to leave.
  • Every student is required to arrive in the school on time. He/she will not be permitted in, after three late arrivals, and a written explanation will be sought, once the gates are closed after the first bell they will not be allowed to enter.
  • Students are not allowed to bring crackers, Holi colors, Walkman, cell phone, cameras, i-pods, mp3 players, laptop, CD And other electronic appliances to the school. If confiscated will not be returned.
  • It is forbidden to write or splash ink on the school or Compound walls or in any way disfigure or damage school property. Bringing and bursting crackers is strictly prohibited in the school campus. Strict action will be taken against pupils not adhering to this rule. The cost of repair or replacement will be charged from the parents.
  • Loitering on the way when coming to school or returning home is totally discouraged. It should be borne in mind that promptness is another distinctive characteristic of a true Tagorian.
  • Pupils are answerable to the School authorities for their conduct in and outside the School. Any misbehavior justifies dismissal. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience, use of indecent language, objectionable moral behavior, coming to school without proper school uniform and, above all discourtesy and disrespect to teachers are each a sufficient cause for dismissal.
  • On their way to and from school, students must remember that the school students are judged by their conduct. They should greet the teachers of the school when they meet them, it being understood of course, that teachers return their pupil’s greetings.
  • No fine or any kind of collection for any purpose what so ever, may be made without prior sanction of the Principal.
  • Gifts to members of the staff or other demonstrations of honor also require his prior sanctions.
  • During the absence of the teacher from the class, student must obey the monitor appointed to maintain good order.
  • All students are excepted to participate in school games and credit will be given for outstanding performance.
  • Every Pupil must take part in the physical training and games, unless declared un fit on medical grounds. Students are forbidden to join any outside sports organization without prior permission from the Sports- in-charge or the Principal.
  • No student bellow the age of 18 Years is permitted to drive any vehicle which needs a license and those who have license their date of birth should tally with the school records.
  • Student Using unfair means in the examination will be given Zero in the subject and will be recorded as an act of misconduct; could be also expelled from the school.
  • No student will be permitted to go home during the school hours without any emergency
  • Students who are on leave due to various reasons, are not allowed on the school campus for any purpose.
  • The students (especially Senior students) are reminded that the School Diary should not be used as a rough book to copy down notes.
  • Parents and students are reminded that minimum of 85% attendance is compulsory for each Term inclusive of medical and emergency leave, failing which they will not be permitted to sit for the Term Exams.
  • Students of the Board Classes (X and XII) are reminded that the Council for C.B.S.E. debars students from sitting in the Board Exam if they fail to secure 85% attendance inclusive of medical and emergency leave.
  • The school uniform should be worn on all Parent-Teacher meeting days. 28. Shouting, whistling and using abusive language are strictly disallowed. Bullying and using foul language will be treated as acts of indiscipline. 29. If a pupil is to be ill for a long period, the Principal must be informed as early as possible. Should there be infectious disease parents should keep their child/children at home till the danger of infection has passed.
  • Changes in the residential addresses or telephone number of parents / guardian must be intimated to the school without delay, failing which the school will not be responsible for non-receipt of communications.
  • When communicating with the Principal, parents are requested to mention in their letter the Class, Section and Admission No. of their child/children. The date/month and year of admission should be stated as well, when applying for Transfer Certificate and Date of Birth Certificate. If above information is not ‘furnished in the application, it may not be possible to issue the Date of Birth Certificate. The T.C. and Date of Birth Certificate shall be given only to parents/guardians of the child after a week from the date of receipt of application duly completed in all respect.
  • Permission up to 2 days leave could be obtained from the class teacher & for more than two days leave must be obtained from the Principal.


One of the main objectives of the House System is to foster among the students a sense of collective responsibility and solidarity. Inter-house competitions are organized in sports, debates, quizzes, cultural activities, etc. to inculcate the spirit of team work and training in leadership, but also broadens the outlook for international understanding.



  • Ample opportunities for stage exposure.
  • Stress on skill building.
  • Most experienced and stable staff.
  • Well thought of scholastic and co-scholastic activities.
  • Enabling learning through Technology and experience.
  • State of the art facilities.
  • Technology driven infrastrure.
  • Experiential learning.
  • Defining well-being and Greatness.
  • TIS Aspire to Inspire young minds.
  • Grooming leaders for tomorrow.
  • Teachers creating the Exalted Lives
  • Producing state & National topped in Olympiads, Board Exams &Sports.
  • STEM method of education.