“Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and people who mean to be their own Governor, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives”.   -Jame Madison.

Tagore International School is a special place, where the students, parents ,teaching and non – teaching staff work together with a common mission and shared goals. To prepare children to be the best and happiest citizens of the world.

To the best of their sense and ability, try to select the finest school for their children. Every educational institution, ensured , make a sincere endeavor to provide, What is generally termed as “Quality education”.

We believe in the fundamental dignity of each individual along with their education excellence which helps in developing great understanding, logical reasoning and critical thinking skills.

Which also helps to instill a life long appreciation for learning and foster a sense of moral and ethical behavior.

Saloni Gulati – Director

“Thought provoking and innovative content prepared by highly skilled and experienced academicians enlightens our children to face the challenges, life has to offer and carve a niche for themselves in this wide-world.

Building a strong parent and teacher relationship is very important for the academic success of our students. The consistent support of parents empower us to do the best for our students.

Tagorians are intelligent , resilient , creative, productive, ethical, imaginative, disciplined and would remain dedicated to life long learning. With the nurturing , they would definitely become the future leaders and role model of society.

Mrs. Saloni Gulati